This post is an invitation to join a new project!
This will be a longer-term project, which I’m imagining will grow over the next year or longer, and community members are welcome to join for any part of the project (without an expectation of committing to all the parts).
I’m hoping to create a series of zines, each focused on a different metaphor or idea for getting through hard times.
The first conversation in this project will be a project launch conversation, where we’ll talk about what kinds of metaphors are sustaining us (we’ll make a list, which will become the first very small zine, and we can then use that list as inspiration for some of the zines!).
I think launching a project can be kind of nice, and a way to connect with other interested folks in a low intensity way. We can talk about what sorts of things people might want to contribute and how they might want to be involved, and I think having a whole conversation about what metaphors we’re leaning on might be really heartening right now, even if we don’t dive deeply into any of those metaphors specifically in this conversation.
The project launch will be March 18 5:30-7 pm mountain time / March 19 10-11:30 am Adelaide. If you’re interested in joining, let me know (email is easiest – tiffany @ groundfireccw.ca) and I will send you the zoom registration link. (I have had problems recently with bots registering for some of my community conversations, so since this is a public post, I’m not putting the link in here directly.)
Registration is free, though donations are gratefully accepted throughout the project to support the labour in making it all happen. (These will be processed through Groundfire.)
If you would like to share this invitation with friends and community members, we welcome any and all who might be wanting a space to be not-alone in 🙂
Some of the zines will have an open invitation to contribute (so community members can email a contribution in), many will have a co-writing session scheduled for folks who want to body-double while writing or making art, and some will be created by a smaller group of folks together without an open invite. If you have an idea for a metaphor you’d like to see become a zine for community, let me know!
- One zine will be about mushrooms and the metaphors they offer for resistance. I’m co-creating this with a friend, Heather, and we’re going to host a zoom co-work session for folks to come and write or draw and chat about mushroom metaphors, and then we’ll put the zine together. That one is open to anyone to contribute to. The co-writing/art/companionship session will be April 1, 5:30-7 pm mountain time / April 2 10-11:30 am Adelaide. Let me know if you would like the registration link for this, too!
- Another one is metaphors of spoon gardening/cultivating/hatching. Credit goes to Danielle for this idea, and they are happy to have it go out into community to become a zine. Christine Miserandino’s spoon theory has been so important in disability spaces, but/and it might feel joyful and possibility-making to stretch that metaphor and reflect on ways that we collectively share spoons, ways that we care for our own and each other’s spoons, ways that we adapt our lives to create contexts of spoonery, etc. – basically, disabled trans wisdom for living a spoonie life not entirely circumscribed by discourses of scarcity. This will also be open to anyone to contribute, and there is no zoom scheduled yet, but I’m thinking maybe in late April.
- Another metaphor will be flotation devices, and what keeps us afloat. This will be with a small group, and I’m not sure yet if there will be an open invitation, or if this will be something we create and then offer to community from our small group.
- Another metaphor will be about safety nets, and how we weave them together, and none of us can be the whole net.
I am imagining a slowly growing library of zines with different metaphors that might resonate at different times and in different ways for folks, with a range of content (hopefully including some art and maybe even some micro-fiction alongside non-fiction writing, and with narrative invitations for readers to reflect on).
I think it will be a nice project to engage with over the next while, a way to be connected and to share our ideas for getting through these hard times. Maybe I’ll see you there!
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