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In January, February, and March of 2024, I will be trialling a new peer group offering for narrative therapy practitioners.

This new group will run on the first Friday of each month, and is a re-imagining of the ‘narrative peer consultation’ group that ran consistently from spring 2020-summer 2023. If there is interest in this, we’ll continue!

Instead of the 90-minute consultation format, this revised event will include:

  • a 60-minute consultation group, where participants are welcome to bring a topic they’re interested in, and I will have a topic prepared as well, and we’ll discuss whatever the group is interested in,
  • a 15-minute break,
  • a 60-minute practice session, and
  • a 15-minute wrap-up and reflection.

The practice session is the big change! And I’m really excited about it – I’ve now had the opportunity to both participate in and facilitate live interviewing practice sessions, and it can be really helpful to do narrative work in this way – to practice the questions, figure out how to recognize openings to alternate stories, hear how other people phrase questions, and experience being on the receiving end of questions. I appreciate how live practice has something to offer practitioners at any level of comfort and familiarity with narrative practice.

I decided to add this to the structure for the group because there are folks I have connected with recently who are newer to narrative practice and might want additional practical support, and there are other folks who have expressed an interest in reconnecting with narrative ways of having conversations – the actual maps of narrative questions, becoming more confident in how to ask narrative questions, etc.

The practice session will include live narrative interviewing, and I will have a few narrative question ‘maps’ available, or participants can practice particular types of narrative conversation, such as re-membering, absent but implicit, or freeform. This is an opportunity for practitioners at any level of experience to either practice narrative questions, experience narrative conversations as the person being interviewed, or witness a narrative conversation.

It is a total time commitment of 2.5 hours.

The consultation group will be recorded and transcribed, as was the routine established in the earlier iteration of this group. These transcriptions are such rich sources of local knowledge! The transcriptions will be shared only with group participants.

The handling of the practice session will be determined by the participants. If the interviewer and interviewee agree, the session will be recorded but not transcribed, and session participants will have the opportunity to download the video for themselves within a week of the session. The video is not to be shared beyond the participants. If the interviewer or interviewee prefer not to have the session recorded, it will not be recorded.

Participation requires registration ahead of time, and there is a $20-50 sliding scale fee for this event. (If you support the patreon, you’re covered!)

These events will run as long as there are at least 5 participants registered 48 hours before the event runs. If there are not enough participants registered at that point, I’ll cancel the event.

The three scheduled conversations are on the first Friday (first Saturday in Australia) of January, February, and March – Jan 5, Feb 2, and Mar 1.

The schedule is Friday, 3 pm-4 pm mountain time for the consultation group (this is Saturday, 8:30-9:30 am Adelaide); 4:15-5:15 pm practice group (9:45-10:45 am Adelaide), then 15 minutes for reflections and wrap up.

You can register here.

Note that you’ll need to register for each month’s event separately.

If you have any questions, get in touch!